The Basileus Archive

~Never Wound a Snake - Kill It~

Your counsels be long, your doings be slowe, consider the ende

Welcome! Witam! Bienvenido! Dobrodošli!

Who is Basileus?

I'm the nuclear-powered researcher, a jack of all trades, master of none, a burned-out brainrot visionary,

The Polish flag-bearer and a Neko-Arc Martyr. I'm literally Konrad Wallenrod.

Everything you see is still VERY WIP! Click on any collage!

About Movies



  • The Meaning of Basileus
  • ~You owe me an apology. You were not familiar with my game.~

    The Basileus Archive was started on the first of April, Juche Year 113 (01.04.2024)

    I've made this site using Neocities!